ALL ISSUES - Cosmology & God
What's Inside
Volume 3 Number 4
- Is There Really a Cosmological Crisis?
If the Stars are Older than the Universe, Then We Have a Serious Problem
by Rick Shaffer - Velikovsky’s Believe it or Not
Some Basic Claims of Velikovsky
Written and Illustrated by Pat Linse - Velikovsky Still in Collision
by Ev Cochrane - An Antidote to Velikovskian Delusions
by Leroy Ellenberger - Velikovsky’s Place in the History of Science
A Lesson on the Strengths and Limitations of Science
by Henry H. Bauer - Can Science Prove God?
Frank Tipler’s The Physics of Immortality is the Latest in a Long Line of Attempts to Unite Science and Religion
by Bernard Leikind - A Cosmological Dialogue
Caltech Cosmologist Kip Thorne Discusses the Physics of Immortality with Tulane Cosmologist Frank Tipler - Hope Springs Eternal
Dr. Tipler Meets Dr. Pangloss
by Michael Shermer - Physics’ Balls & Schrödinger’s Kittens
Just Because our Treasured Theories of the Sub-Atomic World Work Does Not Necessarily Mean They Are Revealing the Ultimate Truth About What Goes on Inside Atoms
by John Gribbin - ’Twas Brillig…
An Adventure in Asia, or, How a Cultural Gap Can Lead to Total Misunderstanding
by James Randi - The Clicker Culture
How that Handy Little Gadget has Changed the Evening News
by Teller - Teller Talks About Ghosts
by Teller - The Day I Met the Wizard
Oz Comes to Kansas
Written and Illustrated by Eric Nauert - “First of All, Do No Harm”
A Recovered Memory Therapist Recants — An Interview With Robin Newsome
by Mark Pendergrast - Darwin’s Dangerous Disciple
An Interview with Richard Dawkins
by Frank Miele - Love Thy Neighbor
The Evolution of In-Group Morality
by John Hartung - The Question All Skeptics are Asking
Can a Cat Be Simultaneously Alive and Dead?
by Bernard Leikind

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