The Skeptics Society & Skeptic magazine


Skeptic Magazine, Volume 4 Number 3
Table of Contents

Skeptic magazine, vol 4, no 3


’Twas Brillig…
20 Questions Revisited, or, How the Slick Police Psychics Fool the Bumbling Cops by James Randi
The End of Science
Facing the Limits of Knowledge in the Twilight of the Scientific Age by John Horgan
Dreams of the End of Science
It is the End of the Beginning for Science, Not the Beginning of the End
by John Casti
Alfred Russel Wallace and the Nature of Heretical Science by Michael Shermer
Freud’s Follies
Psychoanalysis as Religion,
Cult, and Political Movement by Kevin MacDonald
Testing the Claims
of Mesmerism
The First Scientific Investigation of the Paranormal Ever Conducted, Commissioned by King Louis XVI designed, conducted, & written
by Benjamin Franklin,
Antoine Lavoisier & Others
translated by
Charles & Danielle Salas
introduction by Michael Shermer
The Question All
Skeptics are Asking
What Will Tomorrow Bring? by Bernard Leikind

Books in Brief

Full House: The Spread of Excellence From Plato to Darwin,
by Stephen Jay Gould; Darwin’s Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution, by Michael J. Behe; The Night is Large: Collected Essays, by Martin Gardner; In Search of the Light: The Adventures of a Para-psychologist, by Susan Blackmore; Reincarnation: A Critical Examination, by Paul Edwards;
The Great Dinosaur Extinction Controversy, by Charles Officer and Jake Page; Feet of Clay: Saints, Sinners, and Madmen: A Study of Gurus, by Anthony Storr; Kinds of Minds: Toward an Understanding of Consciousness, by Daniel C. Dennett; How Brains Think: Evolving Intelligence, Then and Now, by William H. Calvin; Searching for Memory: The Brain, the Mind, and the Past, by Daniel L. Schacter
Audio Tapes
The World of Philosophy.
University Press Audiobooks.


More Recognition for Skeptics’ website; Caltech Ranks #1; Conspiracy of Racism Nonexistent in Church Fires; Skeptics European Rep; Quantum Quackery; Psychic Math; Seancegate; Life on Mars: Should We Be Skeptical?; UFO Fragment Fake?; Man Jailed in Repressed Memory Case is Finally Free; Murder Plot Tied to UFOs; Computer Confessions; Evolution-Deniers Defeated; Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Secret Book Revealed on Internet; The Quadro Drama Continues; Whatever Happened to Madalyn Murray O’Hair?; Publisher’s New Age Gold
Dumbth News
Celebrate Crime; Cheap Husband; Phallic Symbols; The Dog Made Me Do It; Sorry Don Vicente; Don’t Forget to Write; What’s in a Name?

Special Section:

Louis Farrakhan and the Paranoid Style in African-American Politics
by Harold Brackman
The End of the World
& the New World Order
Black Helicopters, Hong Kong Gurkhas, Global Conspiracies,
and The Mark of the Beast by Tim Callahan
The Great Political Correctness Conspiracy Hoax
Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Thought Police
by Brian Siano
We the People?
Interview with Jerry Brown on Money, Politics, and Who Really Runs America
by Frank Miele


Giants, Floods, & Footprints; McIver Missed the Ark; McIver Responds; Just the Way Folks Is; Learning is Wildcard of Behavior; Anthropology ≠ Ethics; Why Shouldness, Not How Should — Irons Responds; Indigenous People Obligated; Oubré Responds; Balls & Curves; Freedom Within Determinism; That’s the Way the Ball Bounces — Hartung Responds; Bad Science For Generation X; Velikovskian Wishful Thinking; A Tail by Any Other Name; Is Radar Just Another “Interpretation” of the World?; Olson Responds; The Leikind Principle Problem; SAP’s the Problem — Leikind Responds; Bryan Inconsistency; Abortion Issue Fraught With Difficulties; Utilitarian Bats and Balls; English Professors Powerless; Coercing Coercion; Skepticism a Christian Virtue; Nonscience v. Protoscience; Religious v. Secular Wars; A Witch Story


Movie Reviews
Extraterrestrial Hollywood
Aliens; Independence Day; Phenomenon
reviewed by Tom McDonough
Book Review
The Bell Curve Cracks — Inequality by Design: Cracking the Bell Curve Myth,, by Claude S. Fischer, Michael Hout, Martin Sanchez Jankowski, Samuel R. Lucas, Ann Swidler, and Kim Voss
reviewed by Brian Siano
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