ALL ISSUES - Carl Sagan Tribute
What's Inside
Volume 4 Number 4
- In Memory of Carl Sagan 1934–1996
Star Stuff
by Tom McDonoughCarl Leaves Us
by James RandiAn Awful Hole. A Wonderful Life.
by Michael ShermerIn Sagan’s Own Words
Excerpts from Carl Sagan’s work - ’Twas Brillig…
How to Convince the Media You Are Psychic & That They Need You: Sometimes a Scheme is Just So Delicious You Can Taste It!
by James Randi - 1996: Dumbth is the Year That Was
by Randy Cassingham - Early Ghostbusters
by David Alexander - The Millennium is Coming!
Cosmic Disaster in 2000 or Another Failed Prophecy?
by John Mosley - What Ever Happened to n-rays?
Robert Wood’s 1904 n-ray Letter in Nature — A Classic in Skeptical History
by Terence Hines - Creationism: Bad Science or Immoral Pseudoscience?
by Joyce Arthur - Darwinian Literary Science?
Evolution and Literary Theory, by Joseph Carroll
Reviewed by Michelle Scalise Sugiyama - The Not-So-Amazing Kreskin
A Review of How to Be a Fake Kreskin, by The Amazing Kreskin
Reviewed by Jamy Ian Swiss - Killing Clio Softly with Their Siren Song
The Killing of History: How a Discipline Is Being Murdered by Literary Critics and Social Theorists, by Keith Windschuttle
Reviewed by Frank Miele - History at the Crossroads
Can History Be a Science? Can it Afford Not to Be?
by Michael Shermer - Rebel With a Cause
An Interview with Frank Sulloway - Can We Know What Really Happened in the Past?
Vivid Historical Examples Encourage Students to Think Critically
by Mark Leier - More Higher Superstitions: Knowledge, Knowingness & Reality
One of the Authors of Higher Superstition Answers His Critics
by Norman Levitt - Where Is Knowingness to Be Found?
A Reply to Norman Levitt
by Richard Olson

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