ALL ISSUES - Scientology
What's Inside
Volume 17 Number 1
- Is Scientology a Cult?
by Michael Shermer - The Decline and (Probable) Fall of the Scientology Empire!
by Jim Lippard - Religion in Harry Potter
Do J. K. Rowling’s Novels Promote Religion or Undermine It?
by Ari Armstrong - On Visions & Resurrections
Can Hallucination Account for the Post-Crucifixion Appearances of Jesus?
by Gary J. Whittenberger - The Mortals & the Immortals
Can Science Deliver What Religion Has Long Promised for Eternal Life?
by Collin Braun - Evidence-Based Medicine, Tooth Fairy Science & Cinderella Medicine
by Harriet Hall, M.D. - Body Language—(Don’t) Read My Lips
by Karen Stollznow - Crystal Healing 101, Humanist Activist Victory, Scientology, A Letter to James Van Praagh
by James Randi - Three Cheers for Teachers
Educational Reform Should Come from Within the Classroom and Science Can Inform Our Reforms
by Chris Edward - 9/11 and the Science of Controlled Demolition
Is There Any Scientific Validity to the Claims of 9/11 Controlled Demolition Conspiracists About the Collapse of the World Trade Center Buildings?
by Chris Mohr - What is the Purpose of a Sponge?
A Biologist Contemplates the Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything
by David Zeigler - Is Psychology a Science?
by Robert E. Silverman

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