ALL ISSUES - The Mythbusters
What's Inside
Volume 12 Number 1
- Sex, Jealousy & Violence: A Skeptical Look at Evolutionary Psychology
by David J. Buller - Evolutionary Psychology is Here to Stay: A Response to Buller
by Frank Miele - Doubting Dr. Dino: Kent Hovind’s $250,000 Challenge Met
by Adam Kisby - Enigma: The Faustian Bargain of David Irving
by Michael Shermer - Ezekiel’s Spaceships
by Tim Callahan - What Biased Media? The Right, Left, and Center of the American Press
by George Case - ’Twas Brillig… On the Soapbox: Tom Cruise; Sylvia Browne Talks to the Animals (on the Other Side); Creationism at the Tulsa Zoo; Cellular Quackery
by James Randi - Design Inc.: A Review of Darwin and Design: Does Evolution Have a Purpose? by Michael Ruse
reviewed by Michael Shermer - Elementary Evolution: Life on Earth: The Story of Evolution by Steve Jenkins
reviewed by Susan Haines - God the Father: The Psychological Roots of Religious Belief: Searching for Angels and the Parent-God by M.D. Faber
reviewed by Kenneth W. Krause - What the Numbers Can Reveal: Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner
reviewed by Michael Shermer - The Big Bang’s Steady State: Conflict in the Cosmos: Fred Hoyle’s Life in Science by Simon Mitton
reviewed by James N. Gardner - The Evolution of Literature: The Literary Animal: Evolution and the Nature of Narrative, Edited by Jonathan Gottschall and David Sloan Wilson
reviewed by David Michelson - The Pentagon’s Psychic Friend’s Network: The Men Who Stare at Goats by Jon Ronson
reviewed by Michael Shermer - What Evolution Isn’t: Five Reviews by Lee Traynor
- What Darwin Didn’t Know by Geoffrey Simmons
- The Case for a Creator by Lee Strobel
- Origins of Life by Fazale Rana and Hugh Ross
- The Design Revolution by William A. Dembski
- Uncommon Dissent, Edited by William Dembski

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