ALL ISSUES - Global Warming Predictions
What's Inside
Volume 14 Number 1
- A Climate of Belief
The claim that anthropogenic CO₂ is responsible for the current warming of Earth's climate is scientifically insupportable because climate models are unreliable
by Patrick Frank - How We Know Global Warming is Real
The Science Behind Human-Induced Climate Change
by Tapio Schneider - Turning Around by 2020
How to Solve the Global Warming Problem
by William Calvin - The Hydrogen Economy
Savior of Humanity or an Economic Black Hole?
by Alice Friedemann - No Victory in the Textbook Wars
by Glenn Branch - SkepDoc’s Ill Tone
by Ralph G. Walton, M.D. - A Reconstruction of Houdini’s Famous Show Exposing Séance Fraud
by Steven E. Rivkin - Journalist Bites Reality!
How Broadcast Journalism is Flawed in Such a Fundamental Way That Its Utility as a Tool for Informing Viewers is Almost Nil
by Steve Salerno - In Belief We Trust
Why Anthropologists Abandon Skepticism When They Hear Claims About Supernatural Beliefs
by Craig T. Palmer, Kathryn Coe, and Reed L. Wadley - Last Chance to Win the Million-Dollar Challenge; Magnetic Therapy
by James Randi - Detox Quackery: From Footbaths to Fetishism
by Harriet Hall, M.D. - What the Fossils Say — In Spades!
Evolution: What the Fossils Say and Why It Matters
by Donald R. Prothero, reviewed by Tim Callahan - What’s So Great About Dinesh D’Souza?
What’s So Great About Christianity
by Dinesh D’Souza, reviewed by Tim Callahan - Jackpot or Crackpot?
Cosmic Jackpot: Why Our Universe is Just Right for Life
by Paul Davies, reviewed by Sid Deutsch - The Painful Elaboration of the Fatuous
Science v. Religion: Intelligent Design and the Problem of Evolution
by Steve Fuller, reviewed by Norman Levitt

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