ALL ISSUES - Alfred Russel Wallace

Alfred Russel Wallace


What's Inside

Volume 20 Number 3

  • Alfred Russel Wallace—Species Seeker Extraordinaire
    by Richard Conniff
  • The Consilient Mr. Wallace
    How He and Darwin Independently Used the Same Method to Arrive at Natural Selection
    by James T. Costa
  • Demolishing Wallace’s “White Picket Fence” Around Human Cognition
    by Lee Dugatkin
  • Wallace, Darwin, and the Spiritualism Scandal of 1876
    When a Young Scientist Prosecuted a “Psychic” Fraudster, the Co-Founders of Evolutionary Biology Took Opposing Sides
    by Richard Milner
  • Wallace and the Flat Earthers
    Charles Lyell Counseled Charles Darwin to Avoid Public Controversies, While Encouraging Alfred Wallace to Lock Horns With a Malicious Crackpot
    by Richard Milner and Michael Shermer
  • Heretic Scientist
    Why Alfred Russel Wallace Got Involved in So Many Heretical Ideas
    by Michael Shermer
  • An Internet Story for Our Time
    by Carol Tavris
  • Evidence: “It Worked for My Aunt Tillie” Is Not Enough
    by Harriet Hall, M.D.
  • The Innocent Moon
    Using Math to Debunk the Lunar Effect
    by John D. Van Dyke
  • The Non-Fine-Tuned Universe
    The Astronomical Failure of the Cosmological Argument for Theism
    by Jérémie Harris and Edouard Harris
  • The “God” Construct
    A Testable Hypothesis for Unifying Science and Theology
    by Douglas J. Navarick
  • Commentary on “Why Is Critical Thinking So Hard to Teach?”
    by John E. Buckner V & Rebecca A. Buckner

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