The Skeptics Society & Skeptic magazine

Skeptic Magazine, Volume 2 Number 4
Table of Contents

Skeptic magazine, vol 2, no 4


Skeptic Magazine in Top 10; Randi a Columnist; Penn & Teller — Entertainment and Awards; Dr. Laura; Skeptic Back Issues; Skeptic Debates Creationist; $40,000 for Creationist Proof; FMS Legal Victory; Satanic Panic in U.K.; Abductees O.K.; Turn Me On Dead Man; Evangelist Fined; Nessie; CAN Sues Scientology; Cryonic Move; Davidians Acquitted; Dr. Joyce Goofs; CBS Psychics
Holocaust Revision Update
German Ban; Poll Exaggerated; Skeptics on Donahue


Herod — Father of Jesus?; Testing Theories — Larue Responds; Two Facts, Four Questions; Skeptic Name; Bad Debunking; Arrogance; No “Final Truth” in Rand; Skinhead Motivation; Frills and Furbelows; Not too Reticent; Clarifying “Facts”; Testing the Flood; Talking Heads & Martial Arts; Atheists Bad Press; Advice; Building the Ark; Skeptic at Kristallnacht; Soft on Deniers?; Psychiatry Abuse; Riddle of the Universe — Solved; Skeptic = Atheist?
Hoaxing the Hoaxers
Reichians Revisited

Books in Brief

Solved and Unsolved Mysteries of Mind, Space and Time
by James Randi


’Twas Brillig…
The Third Millennium — Or Bust
by James Randi
Nickology, the S-effect, and the Quantum of Santa
by Gerald Huber
Update on the
Noah’s Ark Hoax
by Jim Lippard

Special Section:
Holocaust Revisionism

Proving the Holocaust
The Refutation of Revisionism & the Restoration of History
by Michael Shermer
Giving the Devil His Due
Holocaust Revisionism as a Test Case for Free Speech and the Skeptical Ethic
by Frank Miele
Watching on the Rhine
A review of Denying the Holocaust, by Deborah Lipstadt
reviewed by Brian Siano
The Protocols of Creationism
Racism, Anti-Semitism,
& White Supremacy
in Christian Fundamentalism
by Tom McIver

Special Section:
Extreme Afrocentrism

Afrocentric Pseudoscience
& Pseudohistory
compiled by Editors
Stolen Legacy
(or Mythical History?)
Problems in Extreme Afrocentrism,
A Review of George G.M. James Stolen Legacy by Mary Lefkowitz
Beyond Race
Fallacies of Reactive Afrocentrism
by Kwame Anthony Appiah
Was Cleopatra Black?

Special Section:

Goodbye Columbus?
The Pseudohistory of Who Discovered America
by Ronald Fritze
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