The Skeptics Society & Skeptic magazine


Skeptic Magazine, Volume 6 Number 2
Table of Contents

Skeptic magazine, vol 6, no 2


’Twas Brillig…
A Deadly
Intellectual Atmosphere
by James Randi
Coach Potatoes
The Latest Self-Help Diet
by Daryl Lease
The Skeptics Society
1997 Dumbth Award
For the Dumbest Thing Anyone Did in 1997
by Randy Cassingham
Skeptic Lite
Genesis Revisited:
A Scientific Creation Story
The “Emily Event”
Emily Rosa and the Therapeutic Touch Wars
by Larry Sarner

Special Section:
Taking God Seriously

Deepak’s Dangerous Dogmas
by Phil Molé
Karl Popper on God
The Lost Interview
by Edward Zerin
A Case for God
by Bruce Mazet
Taking Creationism Seriously
Are Skeptics Answering Creationists Effectively?
by Taner Edis
A Case Against God
Science and the Falsifiability Question in Theology
by Massimo Pigliucci
Do You Believe in God?
The Difference in Your Answer & the Difference it Makes
by Michael Shermer
The Truth is Out There & Ray Hyman Wants to Find it
An Interview with a Co-Founder of Modern Skepticism
by Michael Shermer


Thanks Again, Carl; The Prostitution Debate; JFK … and David Cole?; Kudos to Miele; Alien Hoax in New Zealand; Breeding Spoons and Dying Candelsticks; If There Was No One Around to Hear the Big Bang Did it Make a Noise?; Superstition in Our Skies; Amazed, Amused, and Angered; When The Worm Turns; The Evidence for God; The Anti-Meme Meme; Another Omega; More JFK Mythology Exposed
E.O. Wilson
Wilson’s Red Flag; Sex and Procreation; Wilson’s Free Will
Van Praagh &
Grief Counseling
Grief and Van Praagh;
Growing With Grief
Drug Policy, Journalism
& Ideologies
Drug Policy No Goode; Special Pleading v. Skepticism; Goode Responds; Objectivity Still Worth Having; The Arbitrary Belief Module; Environmental Ideologies


The Skeptics Society Hosts a Sold-Out Caltech Conference
God, Religion & Myths: Exploring the Human Need to Believe
by Lee Traynor
Skepticism in Prime-Time
by S. Elizabeth Bird
5-Fold Increase in Skeptic’s Worldwide Distribution; Supreme Court Slams “Junk Science”; Evolution Happened — Deal With It, Says NAS; John Casti Speaks at Caltech on Artificial Intelligence; USA Today Survey Shows Beliefs in Weird Things on the Rise; Alternative Medicine Used by 40% of Americans; Therapeutic Touch for Horses?; Faith Healing Kills, Study Shows; Catholics Skeptical of Weeping Virgin Mary … Sort of; Hemingway Haunts Havana; Abduction Watch; Virgin Mary Sited in Cake; Shermer Performs Psychic Reading for ABC


Designing the Designer
God: The Evidence, by Patrick Glynn
reviewed by Jeffrey Shallit
Blind Faith
Mind Games: Exposing Today’s Psychics, Frauds & False Spiritual Phenomenon, by André Kole and Jerry MacGregor
reviewed by Jamy Ian Swiss

Books in Brief

Journey Through the Ice Age
by Paul G. Bahn and Jean Vertut
Finding Enlightenment: Ramtha’s School of Ancient Wisdom
by J. Gordon Melton
Eye to Eye
by Frans Lanting Chistine Eckstrom (Ed.) reviewed by Frank Miele
In Brief
Star Trek on the Brain: Alien Minds, Human Minds, by Robert Sekuler and Randolph Blake; End-Time Visions: The Road to Armageddon? by Richard Abanes; Thinking Logically: A Study of Common Fallacies, by Brant Abrahamson and Fred Smith; Against the Multicultural Agenda: A Critical Thinking Alternative, by Yehudi O. Webster; Randomness, by Deborah J. Bennett; Harmless Naturalism: The Limits of Science and the Nature of Philosophy, by Robert Almeder; Encounters With the Paranormal: Science, Knowledge, and Belief, by Kendrick Frazier (Ed.); Carlos Castaneda, Academic Opportunism and the Psychedelic Sixties, by Jay Courtney Fikes; The User Illusion: Cutting Consciousness Down to Size, by Tor Norretranders; Bringing the War Home, by William Thomas; The Psychic Mafia, by M. Lamar Keene as told to Allen Spraggett

Junior Skeptic

TT and Me
by Emily Rosa
Let ’em Roll!
Are Gamblers Lucky?
by Erika Antisdale
Science Surfing
Web Sites That Make The Grade
by Cathie Walker and Sheri Kinney
Toying Around with Science
The Physics Behind Toys and Gags; Magic Tricks, Science Facts; More Magic Tricks, Science Facts; Physics Lab in a Housewares Store; Physics Lab in a Hardware Store; Physics Lab in the Home; Forces, Motion, and Energy; Magic and Perception: The Art and Science of Fooling the Senses
by Bob Friedhoffer
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