The Skeptics Society & Skeptic magazine


Skeptic Magazine, Volume 7 Number 4
Table of Contents

Skeptic magazine, vol 7, no 4


’Twas Brillig…
Million Dollar Madness
by James Randi
Dumbth News from
This is True
by Randy Cassingham
Adventures of the Untenured Prof
by Steven T. Asma
ETs May Be Out There … But He Says They’re Not Here
An Interview with Philip J. Klass, the World’s Leading UFO Skeptic
by Gary P. Posner
Anatomy of Nonsense
Caroline Myss and Holistic
Medicine Evaluated
by Phil Molé

Special Section:
Carl Sagan

Sagan & Skepticism
Two Recent Sagan Biographies
reviewed by David Morrison
The Measure of a Life
Carl Sagan and the
Science of Biography
by Michael Shermer


The Faustian Bargain
The Golem at Large,
by Collins and Pinch
reviewed by Kenneth R. Foster
Double Vision
Entwined Lives: Twins and What They Tell Us about Human Behavior, by Nancy L. Segal
reviewed by Frank Miele
Nazi Medicine
The Nazi War on Cancer,
by Robert N. Proctor
reviewed by Harry K. Ziel, M.D.
ET Phone Me
Captured By Aliens: The Search For Life and Truth an a Very Large Universe, by Joel Achenbach
reviewed by Michael Shermer

Junior Skeptic

How TV Promotes Superstition
How to Fool
Media People
by Pat Linse, James Randi,
and Michael Shermer
Behind the Scenes on Oprah
The Amazing Randi in You Be The Judge: Mind Reading With Barbara Walters
The Madman of Magic
Heartbeat of a Fakir; Headquarter; Weird Hanging Cane
by Bob Friedhoffer


Breatharians Breath Their Last; Waco: The Rules of Reporting; Reincarnation 4.1; Howard Stern a Reincarnated Lesbian in Egyptian Harem; Dennis Lee’s Free Electricity; Real Life X-Files Research Shut Down; “Bible Code” Debunked by Journal that Introduced it
The 9th First Annual
Ig Nobel Awards
by Sheila J. Gibson
Special Evolution-Creationism News Updates
Colorado: A Victory for Science!; Michigan: Professors Fight Back Against Creationists New Mexico: A Defeat for Creationism!; Kansas: First Evolution, Now Geology Goes

Special Section:
Mass Hysteria

When Satan Came to Texas
A Study in a Satanic Panic
Witch Craze
by Ronald M. Wade
Penis Panics
The Psychology of Penis-Shrinking Mass Hysterias
by Robert E. Bartholomew
Phantom Assailants &
the Madness of Crowds
The Mad Gasser
of Botetourt County
by Robert E. Bartholomew
and Erich Goode
The Godman of India
Sex, Lies and Video Tape in
the Satya Sai Baba Story
by Babu Gogineni

Special Section:

Thought Field Therapy
Still Searching for the Quick Fix
by David X. Swenson
Eye Movement Magic
Eye Movement Desensitization
and Reprocessing a Decade Later
by Gerald M. Rosen,
Richard J. McNally,
and Scott O. Lilienfeld
Extrasensory Powers
or Simple Probabilities?
Identifying Photos in
Opaque Envelopes
by Raymond Brown
and Joel M. Kauffman
Testing Psi & Psi Missing
Do Skeptics Negatively
Influence ESP Experiments?
by Todd C. Riniolo
and Louis A. Schmidt


Perspectives; Atheists in Foxholes; Pyramid Power Lives!; Christian Science Corrections; Is the U.S. a Christian Nation?; John George Replies; Skeptical of Genetic Engineering; Pet Adoption Center not Dumbth; Cassingham Replies; JFK and Friendly Fire
Cloning Forum
In Defense of Seed; Cloning and Diversity: A Commentary on Evolution and Ethics by Frank Salter; Miele Replies to Salter
Group Selection Forum
The Group Selection Chimera by John Hartung; Society as Organism: A Group Selection Primer and Reply to Hartung by David Sloan Wilson and Elliott Sober; Can We Make a Deal, John Hartung? Nicholas S. Thompson Responds
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