The Skeptics Society & Skeptic magazine


Skeptic Magazine, Volume 9 Number 3
Table of Contents

Skeptic magazine, vol 9, no 3

Cover Story

Ufology, God-talk
& Theology
An excerpt from The Lure of the Edge: Scientific Passions, Religious Beliefs, and the Pursuit of UFOs by Brenda Denzler


’Twas Brillig…
The Pigasus “Flying Pig” Awards for 2001 Plus: How to Talk to the Dead
by James Randi
Neo-Confederates at the Gate
The Rehabilitation of the Confederate Cause and the Distortion of History
by Christopher M. Centner
A.I. and the Return of
the Krell Machine
Nanotechnology, the Singularity, and the Empty Planet Syndrome
by Steven B. Harris
The Attorney & the Shrink
Clarence Darrow, Sigmund Freud, and the Leopold and Loeb Trial
by Todd C. Riniolo


Autonomous Agents &
Free Lunches in the
Modern Economy
A review of Investigations
by Stuart Kauffman
reviewed by Juan Carlos Marvizon
Reincarnation All Over Again
Evidence for reincarnation rests on backward reasoning. A review of Ian Stevenson’s Reincarnation and Biology reviewed by Leonard Angel
Witch Fever
A review of A Fever in Salem: A New Interpretation of the New England Witch Trials, by Laurie Winn Carlson and Ivan R. Dee
reviewed by Matthew F. Ainsworth
I See Dead People
Review of The Afterlife Experiments: Breakthrough Scientific Evidence of Life After Death by Gary E. Schwartz, PhD reviewed by Marc Berard
Monotheism’s Legacy
A review of One True God: Historical Consequences of Monotheism, by Rodney Stark reviewed by Tim Callahan


Atlantis in Fantasyland
A Mickey Mouse Documentary about the Lost Continent by Ken Feder
2002 Emily Rosa Award
How a Skeptic Achieved “Enlightenment”
(and How This Phenomenon is Explained) by Joe Kirsch
Angel Beliefs on the Rise

Special Section:

Science Education is No Guarantee of Skepticism
by W. Richard Walker, Steven J. Hoekstra, and Rodney J. Vogl
Pseudoscience at 30,000 Feet
Suggestology, Suggestopedia and Accelerated Language Learning
by L. Kirk Hagan
Social Influence & the
Power of the Pyramid
by Barry Markovsky
and Shane R. Thye
Cognitive Catastrophes
How Smart People
Sabotage Their Thinking
by Phil Molé


The Mysterians; Race in Black and White; Anthropological Romanticism; Who Designed the Designer?; Show Me the Data; Magicians and Psychics; Gun Control as a Crazy Idea; Honestly Uncomfortable; Taken In by John Edward; Does Mindforce Exist?
Velikovsky Section
Velikovsky Check Mated; Velikovsky on the Fringes
Quotes: Who Said What?
They Never Said It;
They Also Said It
The Skeptical
Environmentalist Forum
Pimental’s Environmentalism Shifty; Skeptical of the Skeptic of the Skeptical Environmentalist; Chartsmanship—Shifting the y axis; Lomborg True Skeptic; Lomborg’s Sloppy Research; Lomborg’s Selective Skepticism, Pimental’s Disappointing Response; Lomborg is Confused; Average Lifespan.

Junior Skeptic

Bad Medicine Issue
Psychic Surgery by Rouven Scheafer and Pat Linse
Snake Oil!
Anything goes — why is it
so hard to tell what works?
by Pat Linse
The Madman of Magic
Three Ways to Bend a Spoon
and a Classic Coin Vanish
by Bob Friedhoffer
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