ALL ISSUES - DMT and Reality

DMT and Reality


What's Inside

Volume 26 Number 2

  • DMT and the Nature of Reality
    Are the Entities and Experiences of a DMT Drug Trip Real or Imagined?
    by George Michael
  • Mark Twain and Alternative Medicine
    by Harriet Hall, M.D.
  • Johannes Kepler, Giordano Bruno, and Scientific Martyrdom
    by Christopher Graney
  • Lizard People, 5G, and the Nashville Bomber
    by Tim Callahan
  • The Fringe Is Mainstream
    Why Weird Beliefs Are a Normal, Central, Almost Universal Aspect of Human Affairs
    by Daniel Loxton
  • Astrology as a Spiritual Belief System
    Why a Focus on Empirical Evidence and Objective Truth May be Missing the Point
    by Geoffrey Dean, Don Saklofske, and Ivan Kelly
  • Notes on a Haunting
    How Science Can Explain Ghosts and Haunted Houses
    by Barry Markovsky
  • Trial, Error, and Success
    How People Learn and Think
    by Sima Dimitrijev and Maryann Karinch
  • Twenty-five Fallacies in the Case for Christianity
    by John Campbell

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