ALL ISSUES - The Happiness Industry

The Happiness Industry


What's Inside

Volume 16 Number 1

  • Science by Think Tank
    The Rise of Think Tanks and the Decline of Public Intellectuals
    by Massimo Pigliucci
  • Can People’s Minds Be Changed?
    How Can We Know?
    by Michael J. Kane
  • Quantum Consciousness and Other Spooky Myths
    The thought that there may be a connection between quantum mechanics and consciousness has led to a lot of pseudoscience
    by Martin Bier
  • The Sports Dominance Mystery
    Why do certain groups come to dominate some sports but not others?
    by Stephen Sniderman
  • Ignorance of Bliss
    We still know so little about happiness — except that we’re supposed to pursue it
    by Steve Salerno
  • The Saturn-Mars Effect
    How a statistical effect explains the astrological claim for the power of Mars
    by Alexander Y. Panchin
  • Antony Flew (1923–2010)
    The World’s Most Notorious Atheist Who Changed His Mind
    by Kenneth Grubbs
  • Motorcycle Maintenance Without the Zen
    How Robert Pirsig’s Mistakes About Atheism Continue Today
    by Chris Edwards
  • A Celebration of the Life of Martin Gardner
    by James Randi
  • Polymath Extraordinaire
    by Michael Shermer
  • Genomic Testing — Are We There Yet?!
    by Harriet Hall, M.D.
  • Turn On, Tune Out, Drop Off
    by Karen Stollznow

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