The Skeptics Society & Skeptic magazine

What happens after we die?

Skeptic | May 6, 2013

Michael Shermer discusses the belief in life after death.

The Sandy Hook Effect

Michael Shermer | May 3, 2013

On December 14, 2012, 20-year old Adam Lanza broke into Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT, killing 20 children and six adults—and then himself—after first slaying his mother Nancy Lanza in their home. In this article from Skeptic magazine issue 18.1 (2013), Michael Shermer takes a look at why preventing highly improbable mass murders like that at Sandy Hook Elementary School is impossible, and discusses what social science research shows are the most reliable means to decreasing violence overall.

The Mass Murder Problem

David Hillshafer | May 2, 2013

Oklahoma City, Columbine, Virginia Tech, Sandy Hook. The list of mass murders in America grows and grows. Why? And what can we do about it? In this article, David Hillshafer has aggregated large amounts of data from reputable sources with an aim toward providing evidence-based suggestions for possible solutions.

James Randi on Quackery: and the Need for Science Education

Skeptic | January 24, 2013

James Randi addresses congressional representatives at the Rayburn Building, Washington, D.C., March 18th, 1999. This address appeared in Skeptic magazine volume 17, number 1 that year, in his regular column ’Twas Brillig….

Extraterrestrials May Be Out There: But He Says They’re Not Here

Gary P. Posner | January 17, 2013

In the past half century of UFOlogy, one man stands out, among a sea of believers, as the definitive skeptic of all matters flying saucers and aliens. This interview with Philip J. Klass (1919–2005), one of the last he gave of his career, goes inside his investigations into the claims of extraterrestrial investigations. This interview was published in Skeptic magazine volume 7, number 4 in 1999.

Chopra Asks Shermer: Who Are You?

Skeptic | October 16, 2012

Deepak Chopra interviews Michael Shermer as part of his “soul profiles” series.

Ancient Aliens Debunked

Chris White | October 5, 2012

Ancient Aliens Debunked is a 3 hour refutation of the theories proposed on the History Channel series Ancient Aliens. It is essentially a point by point critique of the “ancient astronaut theory” which has been proposed by people like Erich von Däniken and Zecharia Sitchin as well as many others. All the claims are sourced at the website: It was produced by skeptic and Christian Chris White and includes commentary from Dr. Michael Hesier.

The Decline and (Probable) Fall of the Scientology Empire!

Jim Lippard | October 4, 2012

Jim Lippard reviews two books: Janet Reitman’s book Inside Scientology: The Story of America’s Most Secretive Religion (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2011, ISBN 978-0618883028) and Hugh Urban’s The Church of Scientology: A History of a New Religion (Princeton University Press, 2011, ISBN 978-0691146089). This article was published in Skeptic magazine 17.1 in 2011.

The Moral Arc of Reason: Reason Rally, March 24, 2012, Washington D.C.

Michael Shermer | March 26, 2012

Michael Shermer’s speech given at the Reason Rally in Washington, D.C. on March 24, 2012: the world’s largest gathering of skeptics, atheists, humanists, nonbelievers, and “nones” (those who tick the “no religion” box on surveys).

As pessoas gostam de ser enganadas

Peter Moon | January 16, 2012

This interview with Michael Shermer appeared in the magazine ÉPOCA in January 2012. The following is in Portuguese. An English translation will be posted soon.

5 Free Junior Skeptic Cryptid Cards

Skeptic | December 21, 2011

Download and print 5 Cryptid Cards created by Junior Skeptic Editor Daniel Loxton. Creatures include: The Yeti, Griffin, Sasquatch/Bigfoot, Loch Ness Monster, and the Cadborosaurus… DOWNLOAD the free PDF

My Dinner (and Drinks) with Christopher (Hitchens that is)

Michael Shermer | December 15, 2011

An essay tribute by Michael Shermer, written upon hearing of Hitchens’ cancer diagnosis in 2010.

Skeptic’s Science Symposium Q&A

Skeptic | October 10, 2011

In this discussion panel with audience Q&A, five leading skeptics (Bill Nye, James Randi, Donald Prothero, Brian Dalton, and Michael Shermer) discussed their experiences communicating science to the public. Young audience members took advantage of these experts to ask excellent questions.

The Nightline Face-off: Does God Have a Future? Deepak Chopra v. Michael Shermer

Skeptic | October 5, 2011

Science and faith do battle as archrivals Michael Shermer and Deepak Chopra debate in this ABC Nightline Face-off from March 2010.

Arguing for Atheism

Michael Shermer | June 15, 2011

A review of Richard Dawkins’ The God Delusion (Bantam Books, 2006, ISBN 0618680004). This review was originally published in Science, January 26, 2007.

The Eternally Boring Hereafter: A review of Clint Eastwood’s film Hereafter

Michael Shermer | May 31, 2011

Michael Shermer reviews Clint Eastwood’s film Hereafter.

A Debate on The Nature of Reality

Skeptic | May 24, 2011

Is there an ultimate reality? And if so, can it be accounted for by science?

The Unlikeliest Cult in History

Michael Shermer | April 28, 2011

Michael Shermer wrote this article while researching cults. He is not the first to point out the cult-like qualities of Ayn Rand and her “inner circle” of loyal followers. And, it is certainly nothing like Scientology or other cults that exploit and use other people. But, as you shall see there are enough links to the list of cult characteristics to give one pause. Herein, Shermer analyzes the behavior, attitudes and personality egos of Rand and her followers (not the…

Unmasking Darwin’s Cathedral: It’s Not Just About Religion

Peter A. Corning | March 8, 2011

What is the origin of religion? Is it purely a cultural product or does it have deeper roots in our evolutionary past? Evolutionary biologist David Sloan Wilson argues in his book Darwin’s Cathedral that religion served as a social tool to unite groups into cohesive wholes by which they could out compete groups without religion, and thus the religious impulse was born. Biologist Peter Corning considers the pluses and minuses of this theory of religion in this review.

Is God in the Equations?

Joe Cuchiara | March 2, 2011

In this book review Joe Cuchiara considers the validity of the new theories of emergence and complexity and how complex systems arise naturally from the bottom up through the natural forces of nature as emergent properties, instead of the traditional top down explanation of divine design. Herald Morowitz’s book The Theory of Everything is an all encompassing theory to explain the cosmos.

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