The Skeptics Society & Skeptic magazine

How We Know Global Warming is Real

Dr. Tapio Schneider | February 23, 2011

Dr. Tapio Schneider discusses the science behind human-induced climate change. He is a climate scientist and Professor of Environmental Science and Engineering at the California Institute of Technology.

A Climate of Belief

Patrick Frank |

Patrick Frank’s controversial article challenging data and climate models on global warming. Patrick Frank is a Ph.D. chemist with more than 50 peer-reviewed articles.

Orthodox Jews & Science: An Empirical Study of their Attitudes Toward Evolution, the Fossil Record, and Modern Geology

Alexander Nussbaum | February 4, 2011

Skeptic is a science magazine, and as such we only deal with non-scientific issues when they come into contact with science. Foremost in this category, in our culture during the past decade, is the intersection of science and religion; in fact, science and religion studies have become something of a cottage industry in academia, with conferences, journals, magazines, and books on the subject being generated at a prodigious rate. Our primary focus in this area has been on evolution and…

Religious Belief & Societal Health: New Study Reveals that Religion Does Not Lead to a Healthier Society

Matthew Provonsha |

In this article, we report the results of a study examining the relationship between a nation’s religiosity and its “moral health.” The received wisdom would lead one to predict a positive correlation between national religiosity and national moral health — as one goes up the other goes up. In fact, that appears not to be the case, and the example of the United States is most striking; Americans are among the most religious people in the Western world, and yet…

The Other Intelligent Design Theories: Intelligent Design is only one of many “alternatives” to Darwinian evolution

David Brin |

Scientist and science fiction writer David Brin carries Intelligent Design creationism to its logical conclusion by showing the numerous “other alternatives” to Darwinian evolution that creationists don’t want you to know about, such as the designer of the Intelligent Designer, Panspermia, and others.

A.I. Gone Awry: The Futile Quest for Artificial Intelligence

Peter Kassan |

For decades now computer scientists and futurists have been telling us that computers will achieve human-level artificial intelligence soon. That day appears to be off in the distant future. Why? In this penetrating skeptical critique of AI, computer scientist Peter Kassan reviews the numerous reasons why this problem is harder than anyone anticipated.

Sex, Jealousy & Violence: A Skeptical Look at Evolutionary Psychology

David J. Buller | February 3, 2011

An article excerpted from Adapting Minds: Evolutionary Psychology and the Persistent Quest for Human Nature, by David J. Buller, with permission from the publisher, MIT Press.

Evolutionary Psychology is Here to Stay: a Response to Buller

Frank Miele |

The new science of evolutionary psychology has generated considerable controversy since its rise in the 1990s, with critics and proponents taking shots at one another. Skeptic magazine devoted an issue to the controversy in 1996 (Vol. 4, No. 1), and in 2005 a major critique was published in book form by MIT Press. In Skeptic Vol. 12, No. 1, we ran an excerpt from this book, by David Buller, with a reply to it from Frank Miele, which follows here.

The Da Vinci Code Cult: A Critical Look at Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code

Robert Sheaffer |

Robert Sheaffer takes a critical look at Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code.

Close Encounters of the Facial Kind: Are UFO Alien Faces an Inborn Facial Recognition Template?

Frederick V. Malmstrom |

Frederick V. Malmstrom asks: “Are UFO Alien Faces an Inborn Facial Recognition Template?”

Talking Twaddle With the Dead

Michael Shermer |

Michael Shermer exposes James Van Praagh and discusses some of the techniques ‘psychics’ use to ‘talk’ to the dead.

Good Calories, Good Science or Bad Calories, Bad Science?

Barry Rein | January 5, 2011

Barry Rein reviews Why We Get Fat: And What To Do About It by Gary Taubes (Knopf, 2011, ISBN-13: 978-0307272706).

The Top 10 Science Books of 2010

Michael Shermer | December 30, 2010

In the tradition of making end-of-the-year lists of the “Top 10 X” Michael Shermer presents his personal picks for the Top 10 Science Books of 2010.

Top 10 Myths About Evolution: (and how we know it really happened)

Skeptic |

This concise pamphlet provides answers to common objections to evolution, such as: If humans came from apes, why aren’t apes evolving into humans?; Only an intelligent designer could have made something as complex as an eye; The second law of thermo-dynamics proves that evolution is impossible; Evolution can’t account for morality; and more… DOWNLOAD the free PDF

2012 and Counting: Le risposte della NASA

Skeptic | July 26, 2010

Dr. David Morrison, direttore della NASA Lunar Science Institute e Senior Scientist della NASA Astrobiology Institute, risponde alle prime 20 domande su 2012. (Dr. David Morrison, Director of the NASA Lunar Science Institute and Senior Scientist in the NASA Astrobiology Institute, answers the top 20 questions about 2012.)

2012 y contando

Skeptic | May 7, 2010

El Dr David Morrison, Director de el Instituto de Ciencia Lunar de la NASA y cientifico principal de el Instituto de Astrobiologia de la misma, responde las 20 preguntas mas importantes acerca del 2012. (Dr. David Morrison, Director of the NASA Lunar Science Institute and Senior Scientist in the NASA Astrobiology Institute, answers the top 20 questions about 2012.)

The Great Afterlife

Skeptic | February 26, 2010

This debate between Deepak Chopra and Michael Shermer came about after the widely read and referenced debate the two had last year on the virtues and value of skepticism. Deepak and Michael thought it would be stimulating to have a debate on the topic. Michael read Deepak’s book and goes first in the debate, offering his assessment of the “proofs” presented in Deepak’s book, then Deepak responds.

Learn to be a Psychic in 10 Easy Lessons

Skeptic | February 25, 2010

Psychic readings and fortunetelling are an ancient art — a combination of acting and psychological manipulation. While some psychics are known to cheat and acquire information ahead of time, these ten tips focus on what is known as “cold reading” — reading someone “cold” without any prior knowledge about them…

2012 and Counting

Dr. David Morrison | February 4, 2010

Will the world end in 2012? Dr. David Morrison, Director of the NASA Lunar Science Institute and Senior Scientist in the NASA Astrobiology Institute, answers the top 20 questions about 2012.

The View from Nowhere or Somewhere?

Maia Caron | January 27, 2010

Maia Caron reviews 36 Arguments for the Existence of God, by Rebecca Newberger Goldstein (Pantheon Books, 2010).

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