The Skeptics Society & Skeptic magazine

evolution and/or creationism


In this week’s eSkeptic, Michael Shermer reports on the World Summit on evolution in the Galapagos.


In this week’s eSkeptic, Chuck Lemme responds to our reviews of Race: The Reality of Human Differences by Vince Sarich and Frank Miele; Sarich and Miele respond.


In this week’s eSkeptic, Paul R. Gross and Alondra Oubré tackle Vincent Sarich and Frank Miele’s book Race: The Reality of Human Differences.


In this week’s eSkeptic, we announce details on the World Summit on Evolution; Columbia University Miracle research Scandal; Christ on the halfshell; the Amazing Meeting 3 recap in Las Vegas Journal.


In this week’s eSkeptic, Paul R. Gross reviews Why Intelligent Design Fails: A Scientific Critique of the New creationism, edited by Mark Young and Taner Edis.


In this week’s eSkeptic, Michael Shermer recounts his experience appearing on the Art Bell Show.


In this week’s eSkeptic, to commemorate Ernst Mayr’s 100th birthday, we reprint an interview from Skeptic magazine, The Grand Old Man of Evolution: An Interview with Evolutionary Biologist Ernst Mayr.


In this week’s eSkeptic, Steven Korenstein reviews environmental disaster film The Day After Tomorrow.


In this week’s eSkeptic, Bruce Grant reviews Creationism’s Trojan Horse: The Wedge of Intelligent Design by Barbara Forrest and Paul R. Gross. Paul Harris exposes the scandal behind a Columbia University Study purporting to scientifically prove the power of prayer.


In this week’s eSkeptic, Michael Shermer recounts his evening debating Kent Hovind, a Young Earth Creationist and Defender of the Faith.


In this week’s eSkeptic, Daniel Loxton reviews The Making of Bigfoot: The Inside Story by Greg Long; a Georgia judge sends evolution lawsuit to trial.


In this week’s eSkeptic, Don Lattin reviews Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ. Two short articles look at homophobia in Tennessee and superstitions in Glasgow. Michael Shermer discusses the origins of evil and The Science of Good and Evil receives a positive review.


In this week’s eSkeptic, Michael Shermer explores his theory of the evolution of morality in relation to George W. Bush in his opinion editorial “The Divinity of Politics: Throughout History, Leaders Have Claimed a Supernatural Link.”


In this week’s eSkeptic, William Harwood reviews A Devil’s Chaplain: Reflections on Hope, Lies, Science, and Love by Richard Dawkins. Also, an Evolution/Creationism controversy erupts in Georgia.


In this week’s eSkeptic, David Voron reviews Being No One by Thomas Metzinger.

Darwin, Darwinism, and the Darwinian Culture

James Rogers reviews Darwin: The Life of a Tormented Evolutionist a biography by Adrian Desmond and James Moore on how Darwin’s life and theories cannot be properly understood if separated from the social, religious and political context that molded their expression.

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