The Skeptics Society & Skeptic magazine

John Edward


In this week’s eSkeptic, three skeptics join a crowd of about 2500 people at a seminar with renowned psychic, John Edward, and relay their experience in the following piece. This article appeared in Skeptic magazine issue 10.2 (2003).


In this week’s eSkeptic, Michael Shermer recommends some good reading to counter Intelligent Design creationism. Tim Callahan reviews Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ.


In this week’s eSkeptic, Sandy Szwarc looks into pseudoscience on the farm in her article “Mad Cows and Irrational Hysterics.”


In this week’s eSkeptic, three articles explore diverse topics: Leon Jaroff discusses Larry King and the paranormal; Dan Henry recounts his adventure swimming with dolphins; and Michael Shermer rescues a dog.


In this week’s eSkeptic, David Voron reviews Being No One by Thomas Metzinger.

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