The Skeptics Society & Skeptic magazine


Michelle Feynman — The Quotable Feynman & His Van

Michelle Feynman (photo by Mark Houseman)

Michelle Feynman (by M. Houseman)

The Quotable Feynman (book cover)

NOBEL PRIZE-WINNING PHYSICIST Richard P. Feynman (1918–88) was a towering scientific genius who could make himself understood by anyone and who became as famous for the wit and wisdom of his popular lectures and writings as for his fundamental contributions to science. The Quotable Feynman is a treasure-trove of this revered and beloved scientist’s most profound, provocative, humorous, and memorable quotations on a wide range of subjects edited by his daughter, Michelle Feynman, who will discuss her father’s life and legacy. In addition, physicist Seamus Blackey will bring Feynman’s van, newly restored and recently featured on The Big Bang Theory, so you can get your photograph taken with the famous vehicle featuring Feynman diagrams. Order The Quotable Feynman from Amazon.

Our special guest at this salon will be: Dr. Leonard Mlodinow, physicist and author of Feynman’s Rainbow: A Search for Beauty in Physics and in Life and The Upright Thinkers: The Human Journey from Living in Trees to Understanding the Cosmos.

Richard Feynman's van

Richard Feynman’s van. (Photo by Ed Pastor)

This episode was released on December 20, 2015.

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