The Skeptics Society & Skeptic magazine


Skeptic Magazine, Volume 6 Number 4
Table of Contents

Skeptic magazine, vol 6, no 4


’Twas Brillig…
The Matter of Dowsing
by James Randi
Dumbth News from
This is True
by Randy Cassingham
Critical Thinking
by Steven T. Asma
All Duct Out in
the Name of Science
The Eighth First Annual Ig Nobel Awards Provides Extraordinary Proof that Science Can Be Fun
by Sheila Gibson
The Lost World
of Jack Horner
An Interview With the World’s Most Famous Dinosaur Digger
by Michael Shermer
The Myth of the Miraculous Survival
by Tim Callahan

Special Section:

Tragedy on Elm Street
Facts and Fictions in
the JFK Assassination
by Nick Gerlich
Case Still Open
Skepticism and the
Assassination of JFK
by Arthur and Margaret Snyder


True Origins of CSICOP; Evolution Returns to Arizona; Entropy is Evolution’s Engine; Swiss None too Swift; Darwin Awards Insensitive; Disturbing Questions; Waco: Rules of Engagement: Not Skeptical Enough; Holohoax is Shoah Business
More Voices of
JFK Conspiracy
The JFK Head Shot;
Assassination Science
Do You Believe in God?
A Forum Exchange
Fear Religion, Not God; Apathetic A-Religious Ex-Atheist; Whose God?; An Irrelevantist; Ask God About Neutrino’s Mass; Defensible Non-Theism; Neighbor’s God Not Valid God; God and Non-Fat Ice Cream; The Wrong God Question
The Case For & Against God: A Forum Exchange
The God of Randomness: A Reply to Bruce Mazet’s “A Case For God”; A Reply to Massimo Pigliucci’s “A Case Against God”; Massimo Pigliucci Replies
Eye Color is Irrelevant
for Psychic Claims
Ray Hyman Replies to Uri Geller


Skeptic in Germany; Acupuncture and Depression; The 16 False Memories of Sybil; Gulf War or Lore Syndrome?; Spontaneous Pig Combustion?; A Little Fish in a Big Bible Pond; Fringe or Frontier Science?; Crisis in Philosophy?; So Help Me Who? New German Cabinet Swears off God; Alternative Medicine Taught in Half of Medical Schools; Belated Correction; Scientific Basis For Dracula
Dawkins Sandbagged by Australian Creationists
by Barry Williams
Coming Forward to
Question the Skeptics
Gillian Brown Responds
to Barry Williams

Book Review Debate

The following articles are a special debate on group selection and the evolution of altruism
As They Would Do to You
Unto Others: The Evolution and Psychology of Unselfish Behavior, by Elliott Sober and David Sloan Wilson
reviewed by Robert Trivers
The Golden Rule
of Group Selection
Reply to Robert Trivers’ review of Unto Others
by David Sloan Wilson and Elliott Sober
Think for Yourself
Trivers replies to Sober and Wilson

Junior Skeptic

Are Aliens Among Us? How to Ask Questions About UFOs and Other Cosmic Things
by Amanda Chesworth
Abducted by Aliens
A True Story
by Michael Shermer
Psychic Math!
by Arthur Benjamin
How to Fake UFO Photos
by Shoshana Cohen, Pat LInse, Tyson Gilmore and Devin Ziel


The Evidence of
Things Not Seen
A review of Madame Blavatsky’s Baboon by Peter Washington
reviewed by Thomas M. Disch
Alternative Thinking
A review of Barrie Cassileth, Ph.D. The Alternative Medicine Handbook: The Complete Reference Guide to Alternative and Complementary Therapies
reviewed by Carol Tavris, Ph.D. and Avrum Bluming, M.D.
The Fingerprints
of Graham Hancock
Worlds in Collision Meets Chariots of the Gods — a review of the television series Quest for The Lost Civilization
reviewed by Jerry Goodenough
It’s Magic!
A review of The Art of Magic, by Carl Waldman and Joe Layden with Jamy Ian Swiss
reviewed by Matthew Ainsworth
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