The Skeptics Society & Skeptic magazine


Skeptic Magazine, Volume 8 Number 2
Table of Contents

Skeptic magazine, vol 8, no 2


’Twas Brillig…
Are Science and Religion Compatible? Plus: Wall Street Moves into High Gear!
by James Randi
For Entertainment
Purposes Only
X-Files and X-Fictions: The skeptical revolution will not be televised — or will it?
by Sheila Gibson
Dumbth News from
This is True
by Randy Cassingham
Finals Week
by Steven T. Asma
The Pundit of
Primate Politics
An Interview with Frans de Waal
by Michael Shermer
Why Does Something Exist Rather Than Nothing?
An Interview with Jared Diamond
by Hamed Vahidi and Stephen R. Friberg


Both Sides Now
Rocks of Ages: Science and Religion in the Fullness of Life, by Stephen Jay Gould
reviewed by Michael Ruse
The Natural &
the Supernatural:
Science, Religion
& their Defenders
Further commentary about Rocks of Ages: Science and Religion in the Fullness of Life, by Stephen Jay Gould
reviewed by Eugenie Scott
God & Darwin
Finding Darwin’s God: A Scientist’s Search for Common Ground Between God and Evolution, by Kenneth R. Miller. And God After Darwin: A Theology of Evolution, by John F. Haught
reviewed by Jason Rosenhouse
Holy Man, Holy War,
Wholly Fiction
Holy Man, Holy War, by Fred Berry.
reviewed by Tim Callahan
Of Science, Poetry & Awe
Skeptics and True Believers: The Exhilarating Connection Between Science and Religion, by Chet Raymo.
reviewed by Massimo Pigliucci
What Would Father Do?
Faith of the Fatherless: The Psychology of Atheism, by Paul C. Vitz
reviewed by Eric M. Rogers
Desperately Seeking Spiritualism
The Buddha From Brooklyn, by Martha Sherrill
reviewed by Michael Shermer


Waco Trial Ends: Government is Not Held Responsible; Facilitated Communication Discredited in U.K.
ID Meets Congressional Designers
by David Wald
The Democracy of Choice
Science & Religion in Oregon: A Useful Model For Conferences on Science and Religion
by Seva Khalsa
Why We Should
Debate Creationists
by Vince Sarich
Designing Critics
A review of the “Intelligent Design and its Critics” Conference by Larry Arnhart
ID Works in Mysterious Ways
A Critique of Intelligent Design by Michael Shermer

Special Section:
Science & Religion

Personal Gods, Deism &
the Limits of Skepticism
by Massimo Pigliucci
Shermer’s Agnosticism
A Philosophical Examination by Shawn Dawson
Can a Skeptic Have Faith?
by Bruce Martin Wildish
The Bible Belting of America
by Gary Sloan
Brought into the Fold
Scientology as a Case Study on Influence and Persuasion in Religion
by Daniel E. Martin
Revisiting the Monkey Trial
Mr. Bryan’s Cross-Examination of the Defense: A Speculative Case Study in the Relationship of Science and Religion by Todd C. Riniolo
and Lorenzo I. Torrez
God’s HMO
Prayer, Faith, Belief
& Physical Well-being by William J. Matthews, Jim Conti, and Theodore Christ
Paradigm Shifts and
Bible Perspectives
How New Views of Nature Impact Culture by Edward Zerin
The Meaning of Life
A Philosophical Dialogue
by David Naiditch


Recovered Memory Study
New Study on Repressed Memories is Bad Science; Skeptical of Second Hand Sources
Race & Sports Forum
Define Your Racial Terms; No Homogeneous Human Races; The Natural Selection of Slavery
Biblical Days … and Nights
Don’t Obsess Over Creationism; The Grief of ADHD; Group Selection and Net Cost; Clear Forum; Rational Information

Junior Skeptic

The Mystery of the Pyramids
by Pat Linse
The Madman of Magic
The mystic Tubes of Cairo
by Bob Friedhoffer
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