The Skeptics Society & Skeptic magazine

Back Issues, volumes 11–15

Skeptic volume 15 number 4

volume 15 number 4
Climate Skeptics

Climate Skeptics: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly; Dowsing Rod Bomb Detectors; Sex & Astrology; What is Truth?; Stigma of Being an Atheist; Health Hype: Are We Really Living Longer? Do Cell Phones Cause Cancer? Do Environmental Chemicals Destroy Male Fertility? Boosting Your Immune System; Teaching Strategies: Magic in the Classroom; The Grinnell Experiment…
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Skeptic volume 15 number 3

volume 15 number 3
Mind Myths

Top Ten Psych Myths; Is the Mind Designed or a Kludge?; Debunking Diagnoses in the DSMV; How the Psychic Industry Works; Is Instant Language Learning Possible?; Battle for Evolution; Resurrection of Margaret Mead; Dangers of First Contact with Aliens; Norm Levitt’s Last Defense of Science…
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Skeptic volume 15 number 2

volume 15 number 2
2012 — The End of the World Again?

A NASA Scientist Answers the Top 20 Questions About 2012; Large Hadron Collider: Will Physicists Destroy the World? Pro & Con; Why Atheism & IQs Are Rising; Skepdoc on Chiropractic; Coriolis Effect Myth; Thetis Lake Monster…
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Skeptic volume 15 number 1

volume 15 number 1
Christian Conspiracy Theory

40 years of Scooby-Doo; Origins Conspiracy Theory; Homeopathy; Placebos; UFO Hoax; Atheism a Religion?; Testing Orgone Energy; Evolutionary Economics; Ape Language Controversy; Science of Love…
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Skeptic volume 14 number 4

volume 14 number 4
Fooled by Ponzi (and Madoff)

How Bernard Madoff Made Off with My Money; What to Eat: Food, Not Too Much, Mostly Plants; Misleading by Petition; A Skeptic Visits Noah’s Ark; The Art of Cold Reading…
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Skeptic volume 14 number 3

volume 14 number 3
The New Revisionism

What if Hitler Won the War?; Doubting Altruism; Lying for God; Flagella Myths; Germ Theory Denial and Other Curiosities; NDE Redux…
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Skeptic volume 14 number 2

volume 14 number 2
Evolution of Intelligence

Predicting Evolution; The Role of Contingency & Necessity in the Evolution of Higher Intelligence; Evolution in Our Genes; Expelled Exposed; The Matrix of the Brain…
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Skeptic volume 14 number 1

volume 14 number 1
Global Warming

A Climate of Belief; How We Know Global Warming is Real: The Science Behind Human-induced Climate Change; How to solve the global warming problem by 2020…
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Skeptic volume 13 number 4

volume 13 number 4

The Big Truths in Small Things; Skeptical Analysis of the Evidence for Nonhuman Primate Language; The Myth of the Mozart Effect; Consciousness is Nothing But a Word…
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Skeptic volume 13 number 3

volume 13 number 3
Medical Controversies

Science & Secondhand Smoke; Exposing the Vaccine-Autism Myth; The Trouble with Psychiatry; Animals & Medicine; Contested Testimony in Scientific Disputes…
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Skeptic volume 13 number 2

volume 13 number 2
Richard Dawkins & Religion

Two reviews of Richard Dawkins’ The God Delusion; The Science of Friendship; Dawkins v. Collins Debate; Why This Universe?; The Skeptic’s Chaplain…
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Skeptic volume 13 number 1

volume 13 number 1
The Legacy of Carl Sagan

An Interview with Ann Druyan; Science, Religion & Human Purpose; An excerpt from Conversations with Carl; Tributes to Carl Sagan…
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Skeptic volume 12 number 4

volume 12 number 4
9/11 Conspiracies

What Demolition Experts Say About 9/11; Is ID really like big bang theory?; Lonesome George: The Last Animal on Earth; Keeping an Eye on Alternative Medicine…
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Skeptic volume 12 number 3

volume 12 number 3

Orthodox Jews & Science; Religious Belief & Societal Health; Does Prayer Work?; Debate: Deepak Chopra v. Michael Shermer; Using Pseudoscience to Teach Science…
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Skeptic volume 12 number 2

volume 12 number 2
Artificial Intelligence

The Other Intelligent Design Theories; A.I. Gone Awry; Special Section: Intelligent Design; The Dover Decision; The Origin of Alien Faces…
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Skeptic volume 12 number 1

volume 12 number 1
Debunking with KABOOM! Meet the Mythbusters

Sex, Jealousy & Violence; Evolutionary Psychology Is Here to Stay; A Skeptic Goes to an Exorcism; The Woodstock of Evolution; Doubting Dr. Dino…
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Skeptic volume 11 number 4

volume 11 number 4
Ernst Mayr, 1904–2005

Close Encounters of the Facial Kind; The Da Vinci Code Cult; The Dream World of William Dembski’s Creationism; John of God; How The Human Got Its Mind…
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Skeptic volume 11 number 3

volume 11 number 3
Catastrophe. Collapse.

Catastrophe by R. A. Posner; Collapse by J. Diamond; Double-Blind Protocol and Science by S. Bratman; Consumer Electronic Myths by E. Winer…
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Skeptic volume 11 number 2

volume 11 number 2
Nature vs. Nurture

The Almost Blank Slate; The Revival of Human Nature ≠ The Denial of Human Nurture; Who Lost the Middle Ages?; The Tea Leaves of Sports Talk…
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Skeptic volume 11 number 1

volume 11 number 1
Medieval UFOs?

Early Origins of Traditional Chinese Medicine; The Mass Suicide of the Xhosa; Salt, Toothpaste & the CIA: Conspiracy Theory in Contemporary Indian Society…
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