The Skeptics Society & Skeptic magazine

Back Issues, volumes 1–2

Skeptic volume 02 number 4

volume 02 number 4

Free Speech & Neo-Nazis; Denying the Holocaust; Afrocentrism & Holocaust Revisionism; Creationism & Racism; Were Egyptians & Greeks Black?; Beyond Race…
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Skeptic volume 02 number 3

volume 02 number 3
Fad Psychology

False Memory Syndrome; Facilitated Communication; Diagnoses are not Diseases; Sex, Brains, and Hands; How Thinking Goes Wrong; Pseudoscience in Psychiatry…
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Skeptic volume 02 number 2

volume 02 number 2
Science, Religion & Cults

The Jesus Cults; What Makes a Cult?; The Unlikeliest Cult of All; The Resurrection Myth; Was Christianity a Cult?; Realism and Religion…
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Skeptic volume 02 number 1

volume 02 number 1
Genius: Myth & Reality

Amadeus Myth; “Science” of Noah’s Ark; “Science” of Noah’s Ark; Genius by Steve Allen, James Randi, Paul MacCready, James Gleick et al (on Feynman)…
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Skeptic volume 01 number 4

volume 01 number 4
Witches, Heretics & Scientists

Introduction: The Price of Intolerance: Today’s Heretic, Tomorrow’s Saint; Spirits, Witches, and Science: Why the Rise of Science Encouraged Belief in the Supernatural in 17th-Century England; The Ideological Immune System: Resistance to New Ideas in Science; Skeptical News: Houdini; Millennium Watch; Newton; Haunted Hearing; Rational Sobriety; Scope of Skepticism; UFO Support Group; Psychics Fail; Skeptic’s Predictions; Skeptics TV; Tunguska; AIDS Dispute; A.R.E. You Sure? The Edgar Cayce Foundation Responds to a Skeptical Critique; Can Religion Be Rational?; The Day the Earth Moved: The Psychology of Resistance to the Heretical—Science of Copernicus; Jonestown: A CIA Medical Experiment?; On the Wild Side; Clouds of Secrecy: The Army’s Germ Warfare Tests; Over Populated Areas; Missing Pieces; How To Investigate Ghosts; UFOs,Psychics, and Other Mysteries; E.T.; Top Ten Science Frauds; Ten Great Unanswered Questions of Science; Galileo; Newton; Weird Wonders: It’s Baaack: The Nature-Nurture Debate Again; Exons, Introns and Talking Genes: The Science Behind the Human Genome Project; Bionomics; The Inevitability of Capitalism; Sociobiology and the Preemption of Social Science; The Road to Equality: Evolution and Social Reality by Paul McDowell; Discovery and Creation—The Creators: A History of Heroes of the Imagination; The Discoverers: A History of Man’s Search to Know Himself; The Discoverers: An Illustrated History of Man’s Search to Know Himself
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Skeptic volume 01 number 3

volume 01 number 3
Revolution in Evolution?

Special Punctated Equilibrium Section; The Mismeasure of History: Darwin, Gould, and the Nature of Change; Punctuated Equilibrium at Twenty: A Paleontological Perspective; Punctuated Equilibrium in Fact and Theory; Historic 1842 Sketch on Evolution by Charles Darwin. Skeptical News: Galileo Acquitted; Scientology v. IRS; Physicist Touts Meditation; Yogi Fights Crime; End of the World; Earth Out of Orbit; Astronaut Bends Spoons; Psychic Car Repair; Skeptical Balance; Psychical Grant; Randi Update; Geller Calls; Deviations: A Skeptical Investigation at Edgar Cayce’s Association for Research and Enlightenment; In Brief and In Review: Books and Articles of Interest Darwin, Darwinism, and the Darwinian Culture; The Case of the Missing Brain
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Skeptic volume 01 number 2

volume 01 number 2

Science Fact or Science Fiction; The Society for the Recovery of Persons Apparently Dead: the History of Resuscitation; Reaching for Tomorrow: Technical Aspects of Cryonics; Basic Questions and Answers About Cryonics From Alcor Life Extension Foundation; Physicist in the White House?; “Holy Grail” Discovered; Black Holes; Acupuncturists and Chiropractors Fined; Secular Alcohol Treatment; Greenhouse Doubts; Laws of Robotics; UFO Info; Hume’s Maxim: What Does It Take To Establish A Miracle?; The Use and Abuse of Statistics in the “Real World”; Skeptical Perspectives: “Can Science Cheat Death?” Cryonics, Altered States and the Quest for Transcendence. Galileo, Gould, Transcendental Meditation, JFK Assassination, Conspiracy Theories; Freud; Catastrophic Catastrophes; Science in Western Culture
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Skeptic volume 01 number 1

volume 01 number 1
Tribute to Isaac Asimov

Isaac Asimov Tributes by Steve Allen, Martin Gardner and Harlan Ellison; Skeptics Society’s Manifesto; The Most Precious Thing We Have — The Triumph of the Scientific Method…
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