How it All Began: Cosmic Inflation, the Multiverse, & the Nature of Scientific Proof (Brian Keating)
About this episode:
In this episode of The Michael Shermer Show, based on the cover story from Skeptic magazine 26.1 (2021), Michael speaks with University of California professor of physics Brian Keating about: time, infinity, the shape of the universe, the multiverse, quantum gravity, string theory, the laws of nature, and more… Listen to this fascinating episode for free and order a copy of the Skeptic magazine 26.1 to read Keating’s cover story, complete with splendid graphics, charts, and illustrations (in print or digital formats).
Please subscribe to Brian Keating’s YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/DrBrianKeating?sub_confirmation=1
Get Brian’s book Losing the Nobel Prize
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