Michael Shermer with Dr. Kip Thorne — Gravitational Waves, Black Holes, Time Travel, and Hollywood
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In conversation with Dr. Michael Shermer, Caltech Theoretical Physicist and Nobel Laureate, Dr. Kip Thorne, reflects on his life and career in theoretical physics, his pursuit of the detection of the long-elusive gravitational waves through the LIGO detector, his relationship and bet with Stephen Hawking, how he came to consult on Carl Sagan’s 'Contact' and Christopher Nolan’s 'Interstellar,' his curious work on black holes, wormholes, and time travel, and what it’s like to go to Stockholm to receive the Nobel Prize.
This Science Salon was recorded in California on February 18, 2018 as part of our Science Salon series of dialogues between Michael Shermer and leading scientists, scholars, and thinkers.
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