Michael Shermer with Dr. Michael Ruse — A Darwinian Meaning to Life (SCIENCE SALON # 68)


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Dr. Michael Ruse is the Lucyle T. Werkmeister Professor of Philosophy, and Director of the Program in the History and Philosophy of Science, at Florida State University. He has written or edited more than 50 books. His new book is “A Meaning to Life,” which we discuss on the show, as well as:

• Dr. Ruse’s early life growing up as a Quaker in England and how this influenced his thinking about religion

• why he is a bulldog against creationism but has a soft spot in his heart for religion

• why we should not read religious texts literally, but allegorically, and when we do there are great truths to be found, just as there is in great literature

• his beef with the New Atheists like Richard Dawkins and Daniel Dennett

• how Darwinism is a religion

• Darwinian existentialism

• how a naturalist can still find morals, values, and meaning in life through the laws of nature, particularly human and social nature

• what’s wrong with academia today, and

• what advice he would give to someone asking how to lead a meaningful life.

This dialogue was recorded on January 16, 2019 as part of the Science Salon Podcast series hosted by Michael Shermer and presented by The Skeptics Society, in California.

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