My Final Lecture: What I Learned About Living a Good Life
About this episode:
In the final minutes of the final lecture of Dr. Shermer’s final semester at Chapman a student asked what practical lessons for life he might share with them. Dr. Shermer offered as much as he could think of off the top of his head, but since he has researched and written a fair amount on this topic over the decades he sat down and wrote out a final lecture here, not only for his students but for anyone who is interested in knowing what tools science and reason can provide for how to live a good life and how to deal with entropy, problems, setbacks and obstacles, aka normal life. Here are the ten lessons…
Lesson 1. The First Law of Life
Lesson 2. To Thine Own Self Be True
Lesson 3. Be Antifragile
Lesson 4. Be Self-Disciplined Because Action is Character
Lesson 5. Don’t be a Victim
Lesson 6. Don’t Eat the Marshmallow
Lesson 7: Directing Your Future Self
Lesson 8: Be Your Own Financial Advisor
Lesson 9: Build Strong Social Networks
Lesson 10. Find Your Meaning and Purpose in Life
Read the Substack version: https://michaelshermer.substack.com/p/the-final-lecture
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