Why the Rational Believe the Irrational (Michael Shermer)
About this episode:
Michael Shermer discusses his new book Conspiracy, out October 25, 2022. In Conspiracy Shermer:
• reviews and integrates evolutionary, psychological, social, cultural, political, and economic conditions that fuel conspiracy theories
• presents his own original three-tiered theoretical model of Proxy Conspiracism, Tribal Conspiracism, and Constructive Conspiracism
• classifies and systematizes conspiracy theories in order to tease apart their different causes (incl. JFK’s assassination, the 9/11 Truth movement, Pizzagate, QAnon, the Big Lie, Project MKULTRA, Operation Paperclip, and the perennial conspiracy theories surrounding UFOs)
• offers his Conspiracy Detection Kit on how to tell if a conspiracy theory is true, false, or undecidable
• and suggests how to talk to a conspiracy theorist.
You can order your copy on Amazon and Audible now.
Order the hardcover: https://amzn.to/3Eza8Lf
Order the audiobook: https://adbl.co/3eGXkaT
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